Napili Kai Kapalua Booking

Aloha and welcome to the Kapalua Golf booking engine for Napili Kai Kapalua guests.  Mahalo for choosing to play Kapalua Golf.  You will need to use this engine get your preferred resort rate.  

To book a round during Plantation Aeration (May 13-31) please call our reservations team at 1-877-KAPALUA.

You can request rental clubs ($85), Rental Shoes ($19), or a non-golfing Rider ($65) in the Golf Shop at the time of check in, or by calling our reservations team at 1-877-KAPALUA after booking your reservation below.

PREMIUM RATE POLICY (bookable online only) – The booking window for Kapalua Resort guests is 60 days. Players may reserve tee time between 61-90 days and pay a premium rate of $527.84+Tax for Plantation Course and $320.85+Tax for the Bay Course to secure their preferred tee time. Once reserved at premium, players will not be able to cancel and rebook at a lower rate for similar tee time(s) once the 60-day resort rate begins. No applicable discounts with premium rate booking. To reserve for Kapalua resort, Kama’aina, Troon and any other discounted rates including Junior rates, please call our reservations team during operational hours (7:30am- 3pm HST) at 1-877-KAPALUA. Booking restrictions apply. To cancel or make changes to your tee time, please email [email protected] or call the phone numbers above. CANCELLATION POLICY – 48 HOURS prior to tee off time. Mahalo!