Post-Shot Routines:

 A Timeless Mental Game Strategy by TD When you step onto Kapalua’s fairways, you’ll notice that skilled players have a consistent pre-shot routine. It’s a fundamental part of playing better golf that hasn’t changed over the decades. Yet...

Developing Good Habits

Developing Good Habits When we first started to play the game, we had no habits; good or bad. We just instinctively swung trying to make some kind of decent contact with the ball. As Ben Hogan once said, “There is nothing natural about the golf swing.” In...

Transition: The Hardest Move in Golf

By Tim Dietrich The great Ben Hogan said that the biggest fault in the average golfer is that they don’t start down with their lower body from the top of the swing. Why is the transition so hard? Well first of all it occurs at the moment when the golf club is most...

Adventures in Golf by Skratch

Kapalua Golf was featured on Season 8 of Adventures in Golf, hosted by Erik Anders Lang. First stop: Maui. Months after a devastating wildfire took so much from so many, one of golf’s most recognizable venues stepped up during the vibrant island’s darkest...