
Transition: The Hardest Move in Golf

By Tim Dietrich The great Ben Hogan said that the biggest fault in the average golfer is that they don’t start down with their lower body from the top of the swing. Why is the transition so hard? Well first of all it occurs at the moment when the golf club is most vulnerable to be knocked off plane. When the club changes direction from the backswing to the forward swing for one instant the club is still and therefore unstable. If we hit from the top using our hands and shoulders, inevitably we...

Adventures in Golf by Skratch Kapalua Golf was featured on Season 8 of Adventures in Golf, hosted by Erik Anders Lang. First stop: Maui. Months after a devastating wildfire took so much from so many, one of golf's most recognizable venues stepped up during the vibrant island's darkest hour. Welcome to another season of Adventures in Golf, presented by United and Random Golf Club. Help support United's relief efforts in Maui. See how you can help here:...

Do you have to be as smart as Albert Einstein to learn golf?

By Tim Dietrich, PGA The short answer is: Yes! I have heard a story that I often repeat (and believe is true), about Albert Einstein taking a golf lesson. It goes like this. Albert Einstein was taking his first golf lesson and about 15 minutes into the lesson the instructor noticed that Dr. Einstein was no longer putting all his energies into trying to do what the instructor was saying. Noticing this, the instructor asked him if there was something wrong. Einstein replied by bending over and...

Instinct versus Acquired Skill: How Natural is the Golf Swing?

By Tim Dietrich “Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come close to having a perfect golf swing.” – Ben Hogan. I don’t think it is quite as black and white as Ben would have you believe, but he makes a pretty good argument for taking golf lessons. Let me give you my take on the “instinct versus acquired skill” argument. While many golf-specific skills and fundamentals have to be learned and mastered before one can play...

New Year’s Golf Resolutions

By Tim Dietrich This is the time of year when people make promises to themselves about the upcoming year. (Fitness clubs sign up the most new members at the beginning of January, and you can guess why!) Now, how about golfers? We make promises, too. Well, I thought I would offer my five most valuable or useful resolutions. So here I go: 1. On the first tee of every round you play this year, promise yourself two things: 1) I will try my best throughout the whole round, and 2) I will enjoy...

Faith, Love and Hope: the Ultimate Lesson

Many golfers seek golf’s holy grail through the mastery of swing mechanics. They practice diligently and work hard to acquire golf’s elusive, repeatable swing. To them, golf is simple: Hit the ball far and straight off the tee; go find your ball and hit it again until the hole gets in the way. All of golf’s problems and challenges can be solved through better ball striking. These golfers tend to take lessons, read golf books and magazines, study YouTube videos, and watch lots of golf on tv. A...

Embracing the Golden Years: Golf Beyond 60

Many things in life become a bit more challenging after we turn 60 and golf is no exception. Here are a few thoughts that will hopefully allow you to keep golf’s wonderful allure alive well into your 60’s, 70’s, and beyond. Accept the changes and adjust Yep, our body is weaker and stiffer, so we are going to lose distance. No problem – take more club. Leave your ego behind. This means choosing the correct set of tees. If a hole was designed for a 7-iron approach shot and you have to hit a 3...

Taming Paradise: Top Tips for Shooting Your Handicap at Kapalua’s Plantation Course. 

When playing any golf course for the first time it is rare that you will score well – especially on a course as “big” as the Plantation. Local knowledge is a real thing – so here is some local knowledge from the Plantation Golf Course’s Head Golf Professional Michael Castillo, PGA. His top ten tips to maximize your chances of having a respectable scoring day:    Call in advance and hire a caddy – it adds to the cost but is well worth it when playing a bucket lister. Talk about local...

Unlocking the Secrets of Kapalua’s Bermuda Greens

Thousands of golfers travel to play Kapalua and Hawaii every year to enjoy top-notch courses, amazing weather, and spectacular views. One of the most important aspects of playing golf at Kapalua and most courses in Hawaii are adjusting to the greens. Most courses on the islands are constructed with different greens than what you are used to playing at home. What type of grass do you ask? At Kapalua, our greens are made up with Bermuda grass. What makes Bermuda grass so different? You will hear...

6 Ways to Maximize Your Kapalua Golf Experience.

  Aloha 🌺 from Kapalua, our small slice of paradise.  Each moment here is magical, and the Kapalua Golf team wanted to share some insider tips that'll elevate your golf adventures during your visit. 🤙 #1: Arrive early and Embrace the Aloha Spirit  Take a few deep breaths, and soak in the beauty of your surroundings so that you may truly embrace the Aloha spirit. Take the time to make use of the driving range and practice greens at both locations and peruse the wares in the Golf Shops...
